Introduction: Nasopharyngeal mass resembles a confounding problem in adults because of the increased fearof malignancy with age advancement. Histopathological pattern of nasopharyngeal lesions varies from commonbenign lesions such as hyperplastic lymphoid tissue and benign nasopharyngeal cysts to malignant diseases suchas lymphoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Methods: This prospective study included all patients underwent a nasopharyngeal biopsy for a nasopharyngealmass in 2 years period from June 2014 to June 2016. Blind biopsy was taken for cases clinically suspiciousfor having nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Patients histopathological findings were analyzed as regard demographic data and clinical presentation. Results: A total of 100 patients (54 males and 46 females) were included.Patient age ranged between 18 and 76 years (mean 39.37 years, SD 1.628). The most commonly detectedpathological lesion was hyperplastic lymphoid tissue hyperplasia (59%). Malignant lesions constituted 39% ofthe study population (10% squamous cell carcinoma, 14% undifferentiated carcinoma and 15% malignantlymphoma). In addition, benign nasopharyngeal cysts were diagnosed in 2 % of cases. Conclusion: Benign lesions are more commonly detected in the nasopharynx in adult population particularlyhyperplastic lymphoid tissue. Histopathological examination ofnasopharyngeal mass is very essential to roll outmalignancy which is not uncommon.
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Mahmoud Sayed Abed elrahman. "Incidence of malignancy of nasopharyngeal swellings in adults", Sohag Medical Journal, 21, 3, 2017, 393-398. doi: 10.21608/smj.2017.41246
Abed elrahman, M. (2017). 'Incidence of malignancy of nasopharyngeal swellings in adults', Sohag Medical Journal, 21(3), pp. 393-398. doi: 10.21608/smj.2017.41246
Abed elrahman, M. Incidence of malignancy of nasopharyngeal swellings in adults. Sohag Medical Journal, 2017; 21(3): 393-398. doi: 10.21608/smj.2017.41246