Impact of vitiligo on quality of life in children patients and their mothers: across- sectional study.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Dermatology, venereology and andrology department , faculty of medicine Sohag university

2 dermatology, venereology and andrology department , faculty of medicine , Sohag university



Background: Vitiligo is a depigmenting skin disorder having major effect on the quality of life of children sufferers and their family members

Aim: This research aimed to evaluate the impact of vitiligo on the quality of life of children and their mothers. and identify effectual variables.

Methods: This cross sectional study included 156 child patients with vitiligo and their mothers. All participants were subjected to full history taking and clinical assessment of the children. The Cartoon Children’s Dermatology Life Quality Index (CDLQI) questionnaire was used for children patients . While the Family Dermatology Life Quality Index (FDLQI) questionnaire was used for direct interviewing of mothers .

Results: This study enrolled 156 child patients with vitiligo and their mothers. The results of the (CDLQI) questionnaire of the studied children revealed that The mean score was 15.92 ± 6.92 and most of them( 92.3%) had a degree of impairment of their quality of life while The results of the (FDLQI) questionnaire of the mothers revealed that the mean total score was 14.73± 5.84 and the majority of them (85.3%) had a degree of impairment of their quality of life. There was statistically significant strong positive correlation between total child score and mother total score (r=0.713, p<0.001).

Conclusion: Vitiligo impair QOL of both children patients and their mothers that highlight the importance of psychiatric intervention and supporting teams in the treatment plan.


Main Subjects