Methods of Isolating Stem Cells of Different Origins: An Essay

Document Type : Review Article


1 Resident In Assiut Regional Blood Transfusion Center; assuit

2 anatomy department collage of medicine, jouf university, KSA

3 Department of Clincal and Chemical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University

4 1Department of Clincal and Chemical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University


Stem cells are typically referred to as unspecialized cells that can divide and be cultured in vitro and have an unlimited capacity for proliferation. The inner cell mass of the blastocyte is where embryonic stem cells come from, while adult stem cells do the same. Undifferentiated organisms are characterized in view of their beginnings and practical qualities into two classifications. First: early stage undifferentiated organisms emerging from the inner atomic mass of the impact cell. Second: stem cells from adults. The embryonic cells derived from fetal fluid are yet another kind of stem cell. They are significant cells that can be changed. To many sorts of tissues tracked down in fat, bones, muscles, liver, and veins. Numerous researchers have attempted to test each type of stem cell and determine how it might be utilized for the treatment of numerous diseases on the basis of this division. Hematopoietic stem cells taken from the umbilical cord have also been successfully utilized in the treatment of blood diseases in the fetal germ cell. Besides, the human umbilical string is a promising wellspring of mesenchymal undeveloped cells. It has anti-cancer properties, promotes tissue repair, regulates immune responses, and has the capacity to rapidly self-renew. Pluripotent stem cells are another type of reprogrammed cell that can be used to regenerate human organs and tissues. As a result, the goal of this review article is to figure out how to make it easier to use stem cells from different sources in medicine by isolating them.


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