Radiological Parameters of Calcaneovalgus Deformity of the Foot

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Orthopaedic and traumatoulogy , Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University.


Background Calcaneo valgus deformity is postural deformity of infancy which is characterized by dramatic hyperdorsiflexion of the foot that appears to be plastered up against the anterior surface of the tibia. Planter flexion of the foot is frequently limited as a result of contracture of the anterior ankle and foot structures.
Aim of the work:To asses radiological parameters of calcaenovalgus deformity of the foot in children.
Patients and methods:The patients were children up to 5 years old. The participants were 7 males and 13 females. The affected foot were 10 right sided and 10 left sided.
Results: The present study was designed to asses radiological parameters of calcaenovalgus deformity of the foot in children.
Conclusion The radiological parameters of calcaenovalgus deformity of the foot in children varies widly accodrding it is vevtical talus or oblique talus deformity.

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