Variations of The Coronary Arteries in The Population of Sohag Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


Background: The coronary arteries differ greatly in their number, origin and its course. According to that the dominance of the coronaries were found to be either “right dominance” in case of the posterior interventricular artery arising from right coronary artery, Whereas “left dominance” if the posterior interventricular artery comes from the left coronary artery. “Co-dominance” occurs when both the right coronary artery and the left circumflex artery gives a posterior interventicular artery. Many other variations are widely studied and their importance varies greatly according to their clinical consequences especially when they become manifested. Also, a well-known study of each case differs greatly in the decisions taken by cardiologists before any invasive procedure. The
aim of this research is to study some variations of the coronary arteries and some other anatomic variants in the population of Sohag governorate.
Variations in coronary arteries may be due to : sex, age, conducting system of the heart, gene, race, geography, climate, nutrition.
