Foam sclerotherapy for reticular veins and telangiectasias

Document Type : Original Article


1 vascular surgery department, faculty of medicine, Sohag university

2 vascular surgery department faculty of medicine sohag university

3 general surgery department faculty of medicine sohag university


Background Injection Sclerotherapy for treatment of varicose veins in general and foam sclerotherapy for telangiectasias and reticular veins, in particular, has been used widely in the last decades. The procedure aims to occlude the lumen of varicose veins or superficial veins.
OBJECTIVE aiming to determine the safety profile by mean of a satisfactory complication rate and effectiveness in enhancing symptoms and limb appearance of foam sclerotherapy for the treatment of telangiectasias and reticular veins and to describe rates of procedure failure in terms of symptomatic or cosmetic varicose vein recurrence.
Search policy & methods This study is a prospective study included 60 patients with telangiectasia and reticular veins in which assessment of side effect diversity and severity including the presence of cardiovascular or pulmonary events and the degree of injected vein disappearance and patient satisfaction as outcomes.
Results 60 patients included in this study between them were 9 males (15%) 51 females (85%), The rate of adverse events was relatively small for all recorded complications including hyperpigmentation (20%), skin ulceration (6.7%), pain after sclerosant injection (5%), and matting and /or new vessel formation (3.3%). The net improvement percentage was 91.7% represent the disappearance of injected veins and success of procedure with 8.3% of cases show no improvement. No major adverse events occurred.
Conclusion Foam sclerotherapy is safe, easy and efficient for treatment of leg varicosities, reticular veins, and telangiectasias. major adverse events are rare.


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