Changes In Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors Among Employees Of Aluminum Company Of Egypt In The Last Three Years

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University.

2 Department of Internal medicine, Faculty of medicine, Sohag University.

3 Department of Internal medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University.


Background: The risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases with age, obesity, and physical inactivity. Type 2 Diabetes shows strong familial aggregation, so that persons with a parent or sibling with the disease are at increased risk, as are individuals with obesity, hypertension, or dyslipidemia and women with a history of gestational diabetes. (1)
Objective: changes in type 2 diabetes risk factors among employees of the aluminum company of Egypt in the last three years.
Patient & Method: The subjects were requisitioned by using(FINDRISC) score system that includes; age, diet, physical activity, vegetable& fruit intake, medical history of anti-diabetic medication or antihypertensive medication, history of previous elevation blood sugar, and family history of diabetes.  The subjects were examined for body mass index and waist circumference.
Results: The changes in the total risk results were highly significant (p-value <0.001)  that there were 49 from 787 employees who had increased their risk of developing diabetes. the possible estimated factors that responsible for increased risk of type 2 diabetes were 7 from the previous 8 factors the only exception was waist circumference.
Conclusion: The most independent factors in increasing risk among the employees were the changes in physical activity, followed by the use of antihypertensive therapy, the past history of elevation of blood sugar, then a positive family history of  DM and lastly BMI.


Main Subjects

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