The relationship of serum uric acid with severity of knee osteoarthritis

Document Type : Original Article


1 rheumatology and rehabilitations department,Faculty of Medicine Sohag University,Egypt.

2 Physical medicine, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation department, faculty of medicine Sohag university

3 Egypt

4 Rheumatology & rehabilitation department, faculty of medicine, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt



Background: Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is a degenerative joint disease with progressive loss of articular cartilage and may lead to disability and individuals with severe KOA may have high serum uric acid (s-UA). This work aimed to assess serum uric acid in individuals with KOA and its relation to disease severity.

Methods: This cross-sectional observational work had been conducted on 150 individuals aged >18 years old, both sexes, with a complaint of knee pain. All patients were subjected to serum uric acid assessment.

Results: The mean Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis (WOMAC) index was significantly higher in those with high serum uric acid than patients with Low Serum uric acid (P < 0.001). Kellgren and Lawrence (K-L) grading scale were significantly higher in cases with high serum uric acid of Grade-IV than those with Low Serum uric acid. Radiological OA severity indicator (K-L grade) proved to be associated with S. UA such as cases with K-L grade-IV had 3.5 increase in the likelihood of having high Serum uric acid (P= 0.011) compared with those with K-L grade II/III.

Conclusions: Higher Serum uric acid may be associated with higher severity of KOA and radiological findings. In addition, high Serum uric acid concentration may be significantly associated with the duration of the disease.


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