Word Finding Difficulty Test Design and Standardization

Document Type : Original Article


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to design a new test for assessment of word finding difficulty in children in order to better assess and manage this problem.         
SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The test was designed and included pictures of different semantic groups. It was revised by Phoniatric experts. Then it was applied on a group of 50 normal children and a group of 25 DLD children with age range of 5-10 years with average or below average IQ.                                        .                       RESULTS: The test consists of 7 sections. Validity of the test was examined by content validity, contrasted group validity and internal consistency validity. The results showed significant difference between scores of normal children and DLD children in all sections of the test.                                   .                                              CONCLUSION: Word finding difficulty test is suitable and easy applicable to assess word finding difficulty in children. It will help in accurate assessment of these children and therefore putting suitable plan for 

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