Unintended Home Injuries in Under-5 Children in Sohag Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


1 Public health and Community medicine,Sohag University,Egypt

2 Public health and community medicine department, Faculty of medicine, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt

3 public health and community medicine department, faculty of medicine, Sohag University, sohag, egypt.


Unintended injury was any injury that's not caused on reason or with a purpose to hurt. The home was believed to be the safest place for the child, however, home injuries can lead to permanent disability or even death making the child unable to live an active life. The aim of the current study was to assess the prevalence rate and epidemiology, to measure extent of morbidities and mortalities & to determine factors predisposing to unintended home injuries in under-5 children. An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted among 610 parents of under-5 children in Sohag governorate, during the period from September 2022 to April 2023, using a semi-structured questionnaire to collect data about socio-demographic characteristics of the study participants, characteristics of the home injury & home environmental risk factors associated with the injury. The results illustrated that (60.33%) of the study participants reported home injuries among their children, the most reported age was the age group from 1 to 2 years by (28.0%), males reported more injuries (57.6%) as compared to females, the fifth or more child was the least reported to be injured (9.5%). The most frequent injuries were fall injuries (45.1%), followed by cut wound injuries (23.6%). The study concluded that there were many factors associated with unintended home injuries in under-5 children, so these injuries could be preventable. Therefore, Health programs should be launched to overcome the risks of unintended home injuries.


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