Phenotypic Identification and Molecular Detection of bla (NDM-1) Gene in Multidrug Resistant Gram Negative Bacilli in Sohag University Hospital

Document Type : Original Article


1 Clinical pathology department.faculty of medicine..sohag university

2 Clinical pathology department..ain Shams University

3 Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University.

4 Clinical pathology department..faculty of medicine..Sohag University



Background: Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) represents a worldwide public health problem. One of the most important emerging resistance traits corresponds to the production of the carbapenem-hydrolysing β-lactamases, which confer resistance to almost all β-lactams

Objectives: to determine the occurance of bla (NDM-1) gene among clinical isolates of multidrug resistant gram negative bacilli in Sohag University Hospital.

Methodology: This study was prospectively conducted over a period of 24 months between Februray 2017 and January 2019, at Sohag university hospital. This study included 150 isolates obtained from various clinical specimens from patients admitted to different department in Sohag University Hospital with age ranged from 1 to 81 years old.

Results: This study included 150 patients were infected by multi drug resistant gram negative bacilli, 100 of patients were resistant to carbapenem group (66.6%) and 50 patients were sensitive to carbapenem group (33.3%). There was no significant difference between the two groups regarding age (p value=0.782 ). Similarly, there was no significant difference between the two groups regarding sex distribution (p value=0.636). Most of cases was surgical site infection (34%) followed by respiratory tract infection (33.6) with no significant difference between groups regarding diagnosis (p value=0.25). In most of cases type of organism is klebsiella pneumonia (33 cases) 26 of them was positive NDM-1 gene followed by Escherichia coli (24 cases) 14 of them was positive NDM-1 gene. There is significant difference between groups regarding organism (p value=0.03).


Main Subjects