Can platelet count alone predicts bleeding in patients with thrombocytopenia?

Document Type : Original Article


1 Internal medicine department haematology unit Sohag university hospital Egypt

2 Internal medicine and cardiology department at Sohag faculty of medicine

3 Assembly professor of clinical pathology Sohag university.

4 internal medicine department, Sohag university hospital, faculty of medicine.


The number of platelets is used to assess thrombopoiesis; it varies greatly between individuals, although it is relatively steady in healthy people, with a modest drop with age. The severity of thrombocytopenia is a considerable factor in determining bleeding risk. However, while some patients with platelet numbers less than 10,000 L-1 have a little bleeding, others with platelet numbers above 50,000 L-1 have large hemorrhages, indicating that platelet count alone may not necessarily predict the occurrence of bleeding in patients with a marked decrease in platelet number. Platelet function testing in thrombocytopenia may be useful as a diagnostic tool and as guidance to treatment for thrombocytopenic patients. Severe thrombocytopenia is a major risk factor for hemorrhage, but platelet function and bleeding risk at very low platelet counts are poorly understood due to the limitations of platelet function testing at very low platelet counts. Using flow cytometry is generally independent of platelet number and hence possible in blood from individuals with thrombocytopenia.


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