Pattern of cancer in Sohag Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


1 Public health and community medicine, Faculty of medicine, Sohag University

2 Department of public health and community medicine , Faculty of medicine, Sohag University, sohag, egypt.


Background: Cancer cases are increasing with time evolution in Egypt. There are an increasing number of the attendant cancer patients and the Outpatient Clinic affiliated to the Oncology and Nuclear Medicine department, Sohag University Hospital and Sohag Cancer Centre are facing difficulties with work pressure. As a consequence, the most prevailing types of cancer among patients suffering this entity of diseases must be addressed to ensure continual and improved quality of care
Purpose: find out the pattern of cancer among cancer patients in Sohag governorate
Methods: The researcher collected data from 550 patients. Clinical observational study “evaluative type” was conducted at Sohag University hospital (SUH), oncology and nuclear medicine department and Sohag Cancer Center (SCC) in Sohag governorate. Descriptive statistical techniques ,percentages and proportions were used
Findings: Commonest sites of cancer in Sohag Governorate were cancer breast (29.9%), then came lymphomas(9.7) and cancer bladder about (9%) followed by colorectal cancer (8.2).
Conclusion: pattern of cancer indicated the increased burden of Breast cancer, comes after are lymphomas which occupy the second rank. Study of rates of individual sites of cancer might help in giving clues for preventive programs.
Implementing value : essential for planning cancer control actions, health care and allocation of resources. Here we project the cancer burden at the National level estimate


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