Impact Of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus On Platelet Indices In Non-dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

Document Type : Original Article


1 internal medicine department, sohag faculty of medicine, sohag university , sohag , Egypt

2 internal medicine department, faculty of medicine , sohag university , sohag city, Egypt

3 Internal medicine departement sohag university hospital.sohag.egypt

4 cardiology unit, internal medicine department, faculty of medicine, sohag university


Background: diabetic platelets anomalies , which cause enhanced adhesiveness and exaggerated aggregation and thrombus formation, diabetes mellitus is linked to an increased risk of problems. Few studies have shown how diabetes affects platelet indices in non-dialysis chronic kidney disease patients . These patients experience both bleeding and thrombotic problems as a result of a disturbed balance between pro- and anti-hemostatic variables, including changes in platelet function.

Aim of the work: To investigate impact of type 2 DM on Platelet indices in Non-dialysis CKD patients.

Patients and methods: 150 patients classified into 3 groups each group included 50 patients, group with DM only patients, group with CKD only patients and group with CKD and DM patients , demographic data, complete blood count including platelet indices , HbA1c, eGFR and Abdominal Ultrasound were done for all patients.

Results: DM when combined with CKD significantly increased number of platelets (P= 0.02), increased MPV value (P= 0.02), increased PDW value (P <0.0001) and increased PCT value (P = 0.007) and platelet indices were positively correlated with HbA1c (P <0.0001), MPV and PDW were negatively correlated with eGFR (r= -0.03 , P<0.0001) and (r= -0.05, P<0.0001) respectively .

Conclusion: DM had a big impact. In non-dialysis CKD patients, platelet indices played a significant part in the pathological processes of vascular thrombosis; therefore, to reduce the risk of thrombosis in the future, it is important to monitor the patients' glycemic status and platelet indices.

Keywords: Type 2 diabetes mellitus; platelet indices ; Non-dialysis chronic kidney disease


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